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Stewardship and Resource

The committee aims to educate, encourage, and assist Association members in becoming environmental stewards of their lake property. There are three sub-committees:

  • Water Quality- to maintain and improve the water quality in front of their property and the Chain as a whole, including its watershed.

  • Native Species- to maintain and increase the native species on their property and the Chain as a whole.

  • Invasive Species- to remove and discourage invasive species on their property and Chain as a whole.

Committee members work with the DNR and the academic specialists from, UW Madison, UW Oshkosh and Stevens Point. They regularly attend various meetings, including meetings held by the Lake District and the Land and Water Conservation Committee of Waupaca County, Wisconsin Lakes, and the Central Sands Water Action Coalition.


Committee Chair(s):  Julie Mazzoleni, Fawn Johnson


Current Association Projects

Snug Harbor

Throughout the summer of 2024, 13 volunteers planted native plant gardens around 10 WCOLA road signs.   By participating in the planting and maintenance of these gardens, volunteers not only beautify their neighborhoods but also foster a sense of pride and stewardship for this small area. Simultaneously, it's a chance to play a vital role in creating critical habitats and providing essential nutrition for native bees, birds, and butterflies. 

Healthy Lakes

Stewardship Committee Promotes the
Healthy Lakes Grant program
around the Chain O'Lakes

HEALTHY LAKES GRANTS 2023/2024 recipients:

  • 5 Chain members have been granted the 2023/2024 HEALTHY LAKES grants. These grants pay 75% of total expense up to $1000.00 payout. Here’s what was added to the Chain:

    • 2 Rain Gardens – helping to absorb water run-off , filtering it before it goes into our lakes keeping lakes clean of pollution.

    • 1 diversion – diverting water run-off from a new driveway so rainwater and snowmelt doesn’t run directly into the lake, but is diverted to an area where it can be safely absorbed into the ground.

    • 8 – 350sqft native garden plantings - 4 homeowners were granted 2, 350sqft (each) to add native plantings (includes native flowers, shrubs and trees) along their lakeshore property. These plantings restore natural beauty to the area and slow water runoff. (8, 350sqft is the size of 7, average size 2 car garages)


These changes to our land and lakeshore will play key roles in improving our lakes water quality. They provide erosion control and reduce overall maintenance. And lets not forget, they provide food and habitat for a diverse group of pollinators, birds and other land and aquatic species.


PLEASE LOOK FOR THESE NATIVE GARDENS AROUND OUR LAKESHORES. You’ll see them on Columbia lake, Dake Lake, Sunset lake, Youngs Lake and Miner Lake !


If you want to apply for a GRANT, PLEASE reach out, we’ll be happy to help.

Resource List - Quick Reference

Grants to help you go native


Waupaca County contact for HEALTHY LAKES GRANT assistance and administration

Dan Mcfarlane - 715-258-6246 /

Taylor Hasz - 715-281-4423 /

Rain gardens

All about rain gardens


Rain Garden Manual - WDNR guide for homeowners and landscapers


Healthy Lakes & Rivers - Rain garden fact sheet


Youtube with Melinda Myers – How to plant a rain garden

Native Plants

Native Plants - Resource Guides


Healthy Lakes & Rivers Native Plants Fact Sheet


Healthy Lakes & Rivers Native Plants Companion Guide


E-book, by Patrick Goggin 


A great Midwest guide to Wildflowers

A few places to get native plants


Invasive Plants - Resource Guides


WI DNR - Regulated Species

Aquatic Invasive Species of WI

Common Invasive Species in WI


Central Wisconsin Invasive Partnership


UW Invasive plant identification 


Youtube - Mark Renz UofW Weed Science


Wisconsin Lakes Partnerships


Shorelines and Stabilization

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